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The PlayStation 5 DualSense controller might be able to identify users based on distinct characteristics

The PlayStation 5 DualSense controller might be able to identify users based on distinct characteristics

A recent patent by Sony hints at a potential feature which will auto identify the user based on style of holding the controller. THE PS5 DualSense controller will be able to smartly switch between user profiles, which improves the overall user experience.

CREDIT: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. , US Patent and Trademark Office

Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. had filed a patent for a feature that will be able to identify the user based on his characteristics and interaction with the controller. They patent has been granted and the paper for the same has been published on August 20th 2020.

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The Patent quotes:

“A system for identifying a user of a controller includes a controller having one or more sensors configured to detect interaction with the controller by the user and a transmitter configured to transmit telemetry data based on outputs of one or more of the sensors, a user profile unit configured to obtain user profile data for one or more user profiles, where each user profile corresponds to a respective user and the user profile data for a user profile comprises data indicative of one or more characteristic interactions by the user with the controller, and a user profile selection unit configured to select a user profile from the one or more user profiles in dependence upon a degree of match between one or more properties of the transmitted telemetry data and the data of each respective user profile, and configured to modify an output of the system responsive to the selection.”

Here’s a flow chart diagram that will help you understand the working of this feature.

CREDIT: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. , US Patent and Trademark Office

This new feature will allow the DualSense controller to smartly select the right user and load his user profile.

CREDIT: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. , US Patent and Trademark Office

The smart selection will be based on confidence scores for each user, the below diagram will help better understand the confidence scoring system.

CREDIT: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. , US Patent and Trademark Office

For instance, if user ‘A’ picks up the DualSense controller, the system will match the interaction and style of holding the controller to different characteristics of users stored in the database. The one with the highest confidence score i.e. Match rate will be autoselected as the user profile.

This feature wasn’t mentioned by Sony anywhere, which means there might be many more features for the PS5 and its accessories that aren’t announced publicly yet.

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