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Rockstar to implement a fan made fix to reduce load times for GTA Online on PC

Rockstar to implement a fan made fix to reduce load times for GTA Online on PC

A Github user who goes by the name tostercx(also known as t0st) has found a way to improve loading times for GTA Online on PC. They claim that the fix can reduce the load times for GTA online by upto 70%.

t0st in a blog post explained how they discovered the problem and fixed it. t0st says that before the fix their system took 6 minutes on average to load the online mode, but with the fix in place it takes approximately 2 mins.

According to t0st the problem lies in a 10MB JSON file that the CPU struggles processing with.

ScenarioLoad time
Original online mode load time6m flat
Time with only duplication check patch4m 30s
Time with only JSON parser patch2m 50s
Time with both issues patched1m 50s

(6*60 – (1*60+50)) / (6*60) = 69.4% load time improvement. And that’s how their fix can resolve the load time issues for the game’s online mode on PC. t0st says that the problem can be fixed by a single Rockstar dev in less than a day. 

The fix quickly caught everyone’s attention and this made Rockstar notice it as well.

In a reply to PCGamer, Rockstar said, “After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that player t0st did, in fact, reveal an aspect of the game code related to load times for the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved,” the company said in a statement. “As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in a forthcoming title update.”

Rockstar did confirm that they will be implementing this fan made fix in a future “title update”, but it wasn’t mentioned if the fix can actually reduce load times upto 70%, as claimed by t0st. Rockstar also hasn’t confirmed exactly how long it will take before we see the update rolled out.

On their blog tostercx shared that they have been awarded $10,000 by Rockstar Games through their Bug Bounty program. He also mentioned that the program is reserved for discovering security or privacy issues in Rockstar’s online games, but they decided to make an exception for t0st. 

The fix was noticed by a lot of people and everyone is now thanking them for it. 

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