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Irony Inc. will represent ‘Esports Charts’ and ‘Streams Charts’ in India

Irony Inc. will represent ‘Esports Charts’ and ‘Streams Charts’ in India

Esports Charts and Irony Inc. have announced their partnership, as part of which Irony will represent Esports Charts and Streams Charts in India.

This data-driven partnership will help Esports Charts to deliver analytics to India’s rapidly developing Esports market. Through a reliable framework of viewership reporting, key stakeholders in India will be better suited to make informed and timely decisions.

Artyom Odinstov, CEO of Esports Charts and Stream Charts, said “Any developing esports needs truthful data and analytics to accurately monitor growth and ensure that it is sustainable by keeping the decision-makers informed. India is no exception, and this partnership provides a great foundation upon which the Indian Esports and Streaming scene can achieve a global standing”.

Tushaar Garg, co-founder of Irony Inc. commented: “For any meaningful progress, method and structure are critical for the rapidly growing Esports and Live-Streaming Industry in India and with this partnership we are creating a win-win for all stakeholders in the South Asian esports ecosystem.’’

With their data and analytics capabilities, Esports Charts and Streams Charts are considered the gold standard in the esports industry,” said Ankit Bhatia, co-founder of Irony Inc. “The company is increasingly sought after as an analytics partner across developed esports markets, and it’s time for Indian esports to take cognisance of data in decision making”, he added.

Disclaimer: Information mentioned here has not been verified or endorsed by The Gaming Reporter and is in accordance with the press release shared by the company or their appointed representatives.

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