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BlizzCon Online 2021 will be free for everyone

BlizzCon Online 2021 will be free for everyone

In late September, Blizzard had announced “BlizzConline” i.e. Blizzcon Online for 2021. In a “fireside chat” Blizzard’s president J Allen Brack has revealed that Blizzard Online will be free to watch and engage in.

Blizzard will be hosting the BlizzCon Online event on 19 & 20 February 2021. BlizzCon is an annual gaming convention held by Blizzard Entertainment to showcase & promote its upcoming releases. A chance for the community and the developers to interact with each other. BlizzCon Online 2021 is a replacement to the 2020 BlizzCon which was cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“While we won’t have a physical show this year, we’re very much looking forward to BlizzConline early next.”, said Blizzard’s president J Allen Brack in the fireside chat. “We want it to be a big virtual celebration, so BlizzConline will be free to watch and engage in.”

Previous BlizzCon events have been paid to participate in, but this upcoming one will be completely free for everyone.

Brack also mentioned that “over 95% of the global Blizzard workforce is working from home” due to the pandemic and the challenges introduced with it.

With the majority of Blizzard employees working from home and everyone watching from home, the experience obviously won’t be the same as previous in-person events, but it still would be a joy to watch.

While both Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 have been briefly touched upon in the “fireside chat”, no new information has been revealed yet. Let’s hope that release date for at least one of these two if not both highly anticipated games will be revealed.

ALSO READ: Blizzard veteran developers form ‘Frost Giant Studios’, aim to build the next great RTS game

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