Blizzard ends content development for StarCraft 2

Developer Blizzard has officially ended the development of new paid content for StarCraft 2. The announcement was made through a blog post on Blizzard’s official website.

In the blog post, Blizzard said, “we’re not going to be producing additional for-purchase content…”, meaning there won’t be any new content updates such as story expansions, new Commanders or War Chests.

The game’s most recent War Chest, the ‘War Chest 6’ was released in early June this year, unfortunately it seems like it will also be the last.

But don’t worry, because the developers aren’t giving up on the game, at least as of now.

“..but we will continue doing season rolls and necessary balance fixes moving forward.”, Blizzard further stated that even though there aren’t going to be new content updates, the devs will still be pushing out bug fixes, patches as needed and doing season rolls . The developers have also said that they will continue to push the quarterly balance updates.

It has been 10 years since the initial release of ‘StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty’ in July 2010. For over a decade now the devs have been pushing consistent updates for the game.

Addressed to the Starcraft esports community, the developers said, “StarCraft II esports, which is part of the highest echelon of professional competitive gaming, will also continue going strong as it has been through our partners ESL Gaming and GSL.” Confirming that the StarCraft esports would still go on. But the question rises, what after the partnership deals end? Will StarCraft esports still exist? That probably lies in the hand of the community and how much they want it & support it.

Esports journalist Slasher also took to Twitter to comment on the matter,

This for sure seems like the end of an era for the StarCraft community, but the following quote from Blizzard paints a different picture.

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“We know some of our players have been looking forward to some of the things we’re moving away from, but the good news is this change will free us up to think about what’s next, not just with regard to StarCraft II, but for the StarCraft universe as a whole.”

So, what’s next for the StarCraft universe? We don’t know yet.

Diablo 4, Diablo: Immortal, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and Overwatch 2 in Blizzard’s lineup for upcoming games. No official dates have been announced for any of these except World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, which was supposed to release later this month but reportedly has again been delayed, this time to mid of November, 2020.

Things aren’t looking promising for Blizzard Entertainment as its World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is supposedly getting delayed. Other games might not be in advanced development phase yet, as Blizzard isn’t even announcing release dates. That’s not all, Blizzard employees reportedly were striking for more vacation days and better pay in August this year.

Also, Dustin Browder, StarCraft 2’s original designer and Chris Sigaty, StarCraft 2’s original producer have both recently left Blizzard to join ex-Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime’s new company, Dreamhaven.

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